Sunday, July 20, 2008

My Wonderful Mother

If you haven't already guessed, this post is for my dearest mother. The 22 of July is her birthday. Happy birthday my lovely mother! I was surprised about what happened for her this year's birthday because I learned something.

I've always thought I wasn't much of a cook. I've claimed to not be able to or enjoy cooking at all. I recently found that's not true. I was baking my fabulous mother a cake and voila! I found it very fun. The only part I had trouble with was putting the icing on. I put waay too much in the middle so I had barely enough to cover the sides and top of my "masterpiece." It all goes in the same place though and at least I baked the actual cake right.

So, happy birthday mother and thank you for finally helping/allowing me discover my long-denied love. I know I never would have trusted myself to bake a cake.

Your talented daughter,
Twyla Lee


Anonymous said...

I have many friends who don't believe I could like to cook, and actually go out and contradict me liking to cook/bake things.
The prejudices people have against the pink hair. *shakes head sadly*

Yeah, nothing better after school than putting on Tyrannasaurus Hives, making chocolate chip cookies (from scratch) and then going to watch Buffy. ;D

I'm kind of sick of cakes though...probably because I've been enslaved into making one for every holiday in the last six years...including, a couple times, my own birthday...

Medeia said...

Making your own birthday cake *gasp* I enjoy the culinary arts myself from time to time... never could get the hang of cookies though... I mean, I can do chocolate mousse or brownies any day, but there's just something about cookies....

Anonymous said...

Cooking can be fun and I can actually make decent food on occasion. I just don't have the patience for it most days.

Anonymous said...

*sigh* whenever i bake cookies, they come out delicious, but they're never shaped perfectly round...(or even semi round for that matter...always like blobs) still good though.

the only part of baking i dont enjoy is the cleaning up after words. another point to show the laziness that lies within me...