Monday, April 14, 2008
Wonderful Randomness^6 Part 2
1.) When I know I'm being timed, my brain melts.
2.) I just put a whole bunch of classical music on my ipod. (I don't know any composers or song names yet.)
3.) My favourite school subject is Mathematics. I particularly love Algebra.
4.) I just found out, in my 17th year of living, how to correctly pronounce Appalachian and naive. Yes. It's true.
5.) I am in love with a Christian Rock band. (No, I am not Christian.)
6.) My brain thinks randomly 99.9% of the time, so these memes were fun. I still have a general dislike of chain mail and forwards though.
Before I curl up and read,
Twyla Lee
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Wonderful Randomness^6
1.) I own and wear a pink and white watch of doom.
2.) The general colour scheme of my footie pajamas are pink and blue. There are cats all over them.
3.) The Titanic soundtrack makes me cry.
4.) The current theme for my laptop is Auras.
5.) I like all types of weather. I don't prefer any type over another.
6.) I can never express my thoughts with the right words on the first try. I always trip up or don't make sense.
That was surprisingly fun. I guess memes aren't so bad after all.
Still thinking up random facts, but yours,
Twyla Lee
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I got tagged a while back...
I’m sure you are wondering why I didn’t post this right after I was ‘tagged’. I usually do not like to do tags. The last question completely changed my mind though. When you get to the last question, you will see exactly what I mean. Read, read, read, and enjoy and agree.
1. Which book do you irrationally cringe away from reading, despite seeing only positive reviews? Honestly?
I honestly cannot say I have cringed at a book yet. Even with the Gossip Girl and Clique books existing. I have read one or two of the Clique books and reading it for pure entertainment. Laughing at the patheticness of the characters always caring about what they looked like makes it not that bad. TTYL though…don’t get me start on what I really thought about that. *shivers*
2. If you could bring three characters to life for a social event (afternoon tea, a night of clubbing, perhaps a world cruise), who would they be and what would the event be?
Dess would be wonderful to talk numbers with. Gilda is hilarious and would be fun to go mystery solving with. Egg is pure awesomeness.
3. (Borrowing shamelessly from the Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde): you are told you for a while, eventually you realize it’s past time to die. Which book would you expect to get you a nice grave?
I used to believe that book was Lydia. When I was 10, I tried reading that book and I cried of boredom all the way through it. Now I think, I just wasn’t mature enough. To me, I have no specific title for the “most boring novel on the planet,” I do believe this book would consist of many sentences stating the obvious or facts that no one could ever use or need to know.
4. Come on, we’ve all been there. Which book have you pretended, or at least hinted, that you’ve read, when in fact you’ve been nowhere near it?
I told people I had read Jane Eyre, when in fact, I just skimmed most of the chapters, not well either. I still cannot join in any conversations about that classic. I have every intention of reading that wonderful book though. I have labeled it a must-read for myself.
5. As an addition to the last question, has there been a book that you really thought you had read, only to realise when you read a review about it/go to ‘reread’ it that you haven’t? Which book?
I have gotten books mixed up with one another. Does that count?
6. You’re interviewing for the post of Official Book Advisor to some VIP (who’s not a big reader). What’s the first book you’d recommend and why? (If you feel like you’d have to know the person, go ahead and personalise the VIP.)
I think everyone should read The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. I don’t think it’s the best book in the world, but it gives you an experience like no other. It really makes you appreciate everyone around you. Everyone alive and that cares about you.
7. A good fairy comes and grants you one wish: you will have perfect reading comprehension in the foreign language of your choice. Which language do you go with?
I’m already learning Spanish but the faster I could learn it, to me, the better.
8. A mischievous fairy comes and says that you must choose one book that you will reread once a year for the rest of your life (you can read other books as well). Which book would you pick?
This question had me sitting for about 10 minutes. I have finally come up with an answer. I’d say the Dictionary. I read it already every so often. I’d be able to refresh my memory every year and it will keep me occupied. To those who consider it a ‘curse’…best curse ever if you ask me.
9. I know that the book blogging community, and its various challenges, have pushed my reading borders. What’s one bookish thing you ‘discovered’ from book blogging (maybe a new genre, or author, or new appreciation for cover art—anything)?
I have a new appreciation for authors. Before I thought they were awesome, but now…they really have become the Gods of my world.
10. That good fairy is back for one final visit. Now, she’s granting you your dream library! Describe it. Is everything leatherbound? Is it full of first edition hardcovers? Pristine trade paperbacks? Perhaps a few favourite authors have inscribed their works? Go ahead—let your imagination run free.
Oh dear. Oh my, where do I start. *falls to knees and start sobbing* Happiness! This would be…heaven on Earth. I could live happily ever after. My dream library would have no particular book in it. I love all genres.
*Loud announcer voice* Leatherbound, hardcovers, pristine trade paperbacks…come to me, come come come, welcome to my library. Find a spot and make yourselves at home. Would you like a cup of tea with that?
Happily sighing and yours,
Twyla Lee
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
zomg! u totally wont believe this!!!!!!!!!
but then, after they stopped playing, 1 of them totally winked at me when he walked by. so i totally had to call the other hawt cuzins and tell them. i totally want his number but u kno, i hav 2 lyk totally play it smooth. u kno, act lyk i'm not 2 eager. lol. zomg!! *dreamy sigh*
now, i hav 2 figure out wat 2 wear nex tym i c them. i think a white mini skirt w/pink pumps and a pink t wud b purrfect. do any of u hav suggestions???
daydreaming but still faithfully urs,
Twyla Lee