Thursday, October 25, 2007

Have You Heard of NANOWRIMO...

Everyone knows that reading is my life, but I love writing too. That is why I am 100% all for this NANOWRIMO thing I found. It stands for NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth. Actually for INterNAtional WRiting MOnth. But INNANOWRIMO "doesn't roll off the tongue as easily", so they kept it at NANOWRIMO.

It starts on November 1. Garth Nix and Neil Gaiman are going to be supporting the writers participating. That to me is exciting since they are brilliant writers themselves. All of you already knew that though.

Currently reading 'Extras' and urging you to "Join! Join!",

--Twyla Lee


Unknown said...

extras was utterly amazing. not as good as uglies, though i might be killed by a mob for saying that. i would so do nanowrimo, but i cant write. and dont have time. but maureen johnsons doing it.
i do NaNoBagzMo...yup.

Aislinn Ai said...

I do NaNoBagzMo, too!
I wish I had the time for NaNoWriMo...

-- Aislinn Ai

Yours Truly said...

I might do NaNoWriMo. I really want to. But I'm just such a procrastinator...Avery Trelaine

ReaderGirl said...

Oh oh oh! I do it too! How's yoyrs going?

Twyla Lee said...

Alas, I have still not signed up. I doubt I will too. The month is going by oh so quickly. perhaps next time. How is yours coming dearly beloved reader?

-Twyla Lee